Engraving & Direct print Center...
The source for all your needs!Both for your company signs, name tags, Products and brochures Stands, business cards Boxes .. etc.,or for unforgettable give away items.
We offer a large selection of Recognition Awards, selling the best acrylic awards, and Corian awards on the market today. We also have a quality line of Recognition award plaques, metal trophy cups and a contemporary acrylic and metal line to our products to round out our Corporate Awards offerings.
Also We have a new line of sports awards and a high quality line of which convey the elegant quality of carved materials. We also offer Cutting, Direct Print and Engraving services on any material . Also We can print asheet from any material such as Acrylic, Wood, Glass, Metal, Brass and we can print at Mugs, Give away Items and Leather.
We have just what you are looking for! Give us a call at: 002-2467 8940/ 002-22380050 e-mail us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mob: 0100 8744487 We'd love to hear from you!